Sunday, December 31, 2017

speech contest text about english is important

Good morning ladies and gentlemen

Honorable all of juries
And respected audiences

First of all let’s pray and thanks unto our God who has given us mercies and blessings. So we can attend here without any trouble and obstacles

The language I’m speaking right now is on its way to becoming the world’s universal language for better or for worse. Let’s face it, It’s the language of the internet, it’s the language of finance, it’s the language of air traffic control, of popular music, diplomacy. English is everywhere

Last I heard, there are two dozen universities in China right now teaching all in English. English is taking over. And in addition to that, it’s been predicted that at the end of the century almost all of the languages that exist now there are about 6000 will no longer be spoken. There will only be some hundreds left. I can tell that we’re getting to the point where a question is going to start being asked which is “why should school especially primary school in Indonesia should use English as a means of learning?”

In current conditions, the student opportunities to study English are very few, it just only in English subject.  This is one factor that why after graduate school, many students still can not use English for communication.

We can get our Ability to speak english from learning process and acquisition. And the second is from our surrounding environment, it means that we must directly engaging in communities that use the language. For example teacher speak english in some subject. Some homeschooling in indonesia use bilingual system in their learning. English and Indonesian. And if like that, it’s only need about one or two months to them to can speak english fluently

And thats why I say, a student need place to improve their english. But In fact,  The obstacle is  the teacher. Teachers in Indonesia do not have experience learning English in school or college. They can not be forced in a short time, to be able to use English in the classroom.

But more the point is we live in an era when we can teach ourself. Now we do not need go to classroom that would be some diligent teacher some genius teacher in there  but Today yo can lay down lie on your living room floor and teach yourself any language that you want to . you can do it any time . You can learn English coming from your phone anywhere. therefore you can do it more and better. It can increase your skills

So i highly recommend that you teach your self languages other than the one that i’m speaking because there’s never been a better time to do it. It’s an awful lot of fun. It won’t change your mind. But it will most certainly blow your mind. Thank you very much

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. If your child is having trouble with his studies then private tutoring may be able to help him get back on track. Your child's school or teacher may be able to recommend someone or your friends may have used a tutor for their children. Learning centers also have tutors available and even though they are a little more expensive they may be your best choice. It is better for your child if they can be tutored at home rather than someplace where they do not feel comfortable. Private tutoring can benefit your childin many ways.Nachhilfe Englisch Basel
